End of the World

Do you believe the Mayans' calendar that the world "as we know it" will end on December 21, 2012? Have you lived your life differently based on your Mayan belief (or non-belief)? Discuss.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

11/28/2012 :: day 8

Posted by Ortigas Mommy at 11:16 PM
start of the second week :: we're getting closer to Armageddon baby!

woke up late, hubby also late in arriving from work. perfect combo right? unfortunately hubby didn't text me he's going home late per his usual routine plus I couldn't call his phone. guess who didn't kiss someone's spouse good morning today? but I still watched The Walking Dead with him coz I'm really not that mad :p

our late breakfast consisted of dimsum leftovers from last night's dinner and canned pork n beans. lunch was beefsteak. dinner was fried shanghai rolls (sooo good!). and then hubby was so impatient in getting to work tonight despite that it was still early. ggrrr.. something's really fishy!! and now I'm getting really angry!

spent the morning tidying up the house coz my parents are coming over (yay!) for a long visit. spent also the time looking for the cheapest iPad Mini / Nexus 7 and Samsung Galaxy S3 (hubby's dearest wish). I've already saved up for an iPad for the kids and has zero budget for S3, but it looks like hubby's the one getting something expensive this Christmas! hope our toddler won't mind.. o.O

and speaking of The Walking Dead, holy crap! this show's just keep on getting better and better! next week is the mid-season finale, with Rick Grimes finally confronting the Governor. can't hardly wait!! as for Grimm, our other favorite show,  the mid-season finale was last week where Munroe revealed to Nick that the man his amnesiac gf is seeing on the side is none other than his Police Captain boss! such a cliffhanger!!

family nuggets: our toddler's fascination with Nemo has reached fever pitch (TMI: her poop is still runny! been 3 days already. wonder what's wrong..). our baby is learning how to climb (before walking) and has lots of words! a very sociable kid :) my parents arrived mid-afternoon and disrupted the kids' naps which led to a bit of crying jag from the baby <sigh> the toddler got two (!!) new shoes from her grandparents, and 2 Christmas ornaments to paint. me? I got pre-cooked food! haha! the baby? none! T__T

as for the world, there's a partial lunar eclipse at 8pm-ish today (GMT+8) and can be seen in my country. unfortunately I missed it, sadness! I've missed so many celestial events already, mostly due to mommy duties. sometimes I wonder if my life will ever get back to "normal" o.O anyway, in celebrity news, I've come across a disturbing article about Gavin Rossdale having his way with their nanny who looks like a younger version of his wife, Gwen Stefani. the couple has been together since 1995 and I love them to bits because of it!


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