End of the World

Do you believe the Mayans' calendar that the world "as we know it" will end on December 21, 2012? Have you lived your life differently based on your Mayan belief (or non-belief)? Discuss.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

11/25/2012 :: day 5

Posted by Ortigas Mommy at 10:42 PM
ahhh sunday.. glorious sunday! a day for church, a day with the family (yeah, that means malling, haha).. unfortunately, hubby got lazy and we just watched Lawless in the morning. good movie, about the Prohibition and a band of 3 brothers who rebelled against it. it starred Shia LaBeouf and Tom Hardy (the bomb)! this guy can seriously act! have to find more movies with him in it :) we had leftovers for breakfast (I got lazy too, hehe) but made up for it by cooking bacon and omelette for lunch ~ yum! the toddler couldn't help herself that she snatched several rashers of bacon and ate it far away from us. so funny! ^__^

after lunch we went to hear mass where the kids promptly fell asleep. gotta love airconditioned churches, it really lulls you to sleep. and that includes me and hubby :p it was a great service ~ the singing was robust, everybody was participating, though the sermon was kinda long. at least it was funny and I learned something new about the church's cyclical calendar . afterwards we went to the mall with a Disney Princess theme for Christmas. they had Cinderella's castle (2 stories with grand staircase!) and her magical pumpkin carriage. it was all so beautiful and dainty! the toddler posed a lot for photos without prompting from me :)

as we waited for my brother and niece to arrive (we were meeting up so we can get the cakes that my mom left for us from a recent trip), we had snacks in Subway. we had a footlong sub, huge ice tea (that seem to have star anise in it, weird) and 2 large cookies (oatmeal and double choco). the sub was excellent as usual, and the toddler always begged for a bite. she has good taste in food, my daughter :) when my niece arrived, she played with our toddler in the princess set pieces. she especially loved the carriage and was beside herself when she was inside it (she jumped raucously to the chagrin of my bro, hehe). just before sundown, we all went home, tired but happy to have spend time with family. for dinner, we had chinese takeout. I know its junk / fastfood, but it sure tastes good! for sure we all had MSG-high that night :p

as for world news, Ricky Hatton (the English boxer that Pacman KO'd after 2 rounds) was defeated in his comeback fight after a 3year+ absence. he got knocked out in the 9th round which was sad coz he was in good fighting form and was ahead in the points. he could have won the fight if he evaded the killer blow. Hatton has a sad story actually. after his defeat to Pacman, he got depressed, got into drugs / drinking, and became overweight / suicidal. after a long battle, he got his act together and now he's back (for a real short while) in the boxing ring. hopefully he'll retire for good as he's 35 years old already. very dangerous to get head injuries at this age :( I've often wondered what happens to down and out boxers, and I sure hope that what happened to Hatton is an exception and not the rule. it would be so sad if it's the otherwise.

anyhoo, in other news, a Filipina actress was surprised when her own wedding was held IMMEDIATELY AFTER she said yes to her partner's (also an actor) proposal in a wonderfully decorated garden. she thought it was just a proposal but lo, it was a full-pledged wedding in the waiting! everything was set, all their families were there, they were just waiting for her "yes" :) and thank God she said yes, otherwise the preparations will be all for naught, haha! their wedding trended a bit in Facebook and Twitter ( #ZorenCarminaWedding ), and everybody who watched their televised wedding became incurable romantics once again ;-) the male population, however, complained coz the actor set the bar too high. how can you compete with a proposal + wedding, all-in-one? LOL! well, you can't, you just have to own your proposal and hope to God your girl loves it enough to say yes. err, pressure much? haha! 


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