End of the World

Do you believe the Mayans' calendar that the world "as we know it" will end on December 21, 2012? Have you lived your life differently based on your Mayan belief (or non-belief)? Discuss.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

11/27/2012 :: day 7

Posted by Ortigas Mommy at 11:45 PM
and the first week countdown to the Apocalyse is done.

funny thing, my period FINALLY arrived today so it's safe to say that it's not the end of my world, haha! my gahd, can you imagine having 3 kids at this time and age?? can't wrap my head around it! o.O anyway, since I need some lady stuff, we decided to go grocery shopping early (payday is still 3 days away). but first we had dinner in Mongkok, a dimsum place. the food was totally yummy!! the service, however, was totally awful. had to follow up our rice and shark's fin dumplings (not from real fin, don't worry, hehe) more than 3 times! by the time all the orders were in (pork ribs in tausi, seafood roll, chicken & mushroom rice, shark's fin dumpling), the first ones were already cold <sigh> still, it was a flavorful meal!

then came grocery shopping where we spent around $50, mostly for our toddler's fruits and hubby's beauty needs, LOL! tis true though, my hubby cannot live without lotion and other beauty health stuff. already he's obsessing on having white hair o.O me? I can just live with soap and water. for sure, when Apocalypse comes, hubby will have to majorly adjust on not having beauty products. after grocery we went home and I set about cleaning our tiny studio. my parents are to due to arrive tomorrow afternoon and I want our home to be spic and span. and so I spent the night washing my babies' clothes, scrubbing the bathroom and kitchen, and arranging / picking up toys, magazines and whatever is on the floor :p

it's nearly 12mn now and I'm not yet done with the ref (have to throw rotting stuff as my mom hates that) and wardrobe cabinet. but I gotta have a break so here I am blogging :) in world news, the online version of the Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper got punk'd with The Onion's article on North Korea's Kim Jong-un as the "sexiest man alive" for 2012, LOL! only Commies would fall for that article o.O some good news: Greece will receive bailout money worth $57B. hope that it will all be put into good use and help the Greeks stand up again. meanwhile, in Hollywood, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are rumored to be back together after sharing a kiss over dinner! not sure if Bieber's fans are happy with this news though..


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