End of the World

Do you believe the Mayans' calendar that the world "as we know it" will end on December 21, 2012? Have you lived your life differently based on your Mayan belief (or non-belief)? Discuss.

Monday, December 3, 2012

12/03/2012 :: day 13

Posted by Ortigas Mommy at 11:25 PM
the toddler got colds! the poor baby.. :( probably got very tired yesterday so the virus was able to overcome her weakened immune state and BOOM! a toddler with runny nose woke up this morning. so far, hubby + me + lil baby don't have any symptoms (of colds / flu / whatever) yet. and I hope it stays that way. its no fun taking care of 2 kids and running a household when you're sick <sigh> so since the toddler is a bit lethargic, we had a slow day today. didn't cook for breakfast and we just leftover pork ribs from yesterday's lunch out. for lunch, we had leftover BonChon chap chae and chicken. yeah, leftovers galore! told you we had a slow day, hehe

watched The Bourne Legacy, and the movie exceeded my expectations! it was actually pretty good, tight plot and awesome acting. can't wait for the next movie! :) after watching, I spent hours scouring the web for 2012's best movies (so far) that we ought to view. surprisingly, hubby and I already watched most of the good films like The Grey, Ted, Cabin in the Woods, Bernie, Safety Not Guaranteed, 21 Jump Street, Chronicle, and loads more. gotta give credit to hubby for all of these coz he's the one downloading our movies. who would have thought he had good taste? haha!

news from around the world: (a) North Korea found a unicorn lair (I'm not kidding!!) ~ I know, I know.. the NKs have gone crazy o.O (b) super typhoon Bopha / Pablo makes landfall in the Philippines, in the same vicinity where typhoon Washi wrought devastation around a year ago. hopefully there's not much casualties and destruction this time as the people are more prepared <cross fingers> (c) Kate Middleton / Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant!! after so much media speculation, the royal couple finally announced they are expecting. sad news is, Kate is suffering from severe morning sickness that requires her to be hospitalized.

back to our daily grind: hubby woke up from his afternoon nap around 5pm and told him to buy milk tea from Tokyo Tokyo to lift our toddler's spirits. surprisingly, the lil girl didn't want to go out with her Daddy to the mall! yeah, she's really sick and would prefer to be home :( and so it was the baby who went with Dada, safely worn in ergoBaby carrier (must-have for any parents!!). the toddler and me stayed home, surfing the Internet for Barbie clothes and found a cheap trove of awesome Barbie dolls in eBay instead! dinner was patatim (super yummy!!) that my mom brought all the way from our hometown <3

after hubby left for work, the kids stayed awake for the next 3 hours ~ crying, crawling, asking for milk, and generally being nuisance to me <sigh> they finally fell asleep just now, and by God, the silence is a super welcome change from all the squalling throughout the day! :) will cleanup the house a bit then go surf til our unreliable Internet connection goes poof. hopefully I'll get minimum 6hours sleep before hubby arrives from work, but I think I'll prolly just have 3-4hrs. that's no thanks to the Internet and Dean Koontz' Shadowfires. booyah!! parting shot: Mabelle of mydigistyle.com (my fave digiscrap site!) just released her Christmas kit, Joy-O-Joy ~ I totally love it especially the strings packet! ^__^


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