End of the World

Do you believe the Mayans' calendar that the world "as we know it" will end on December 21, 2012? Have you lived your life differently based on your Mayan belief (or non-belief)? Discuss.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

11/21/2012 :: day 1

Posted by Ortigas Mommy at 11:01 PM
and so my diary of earth's last 30 days begins.

in my part of the world, nothing is amiss. there's no typhoons (as the norm during christmas season) and other natural / man-made calamities. but in other parts of the world, death cries abound. in Israel / Palestine border, a war is raging. Gaza has been bombed and sent rockets to quite heavily the past few days. of course Hamas retaliated, some even say they were the ones who started the current fight. whatever. these 2 will always fight. it's just sad that the innocents are affected.

in Europe, countries from the EU went into strike and protests a week ago. dubbed as the #N14, the protesters are voicing their discontent of their own governments' austerity measures during the economic slump. in America, 2 weeks ago, the POTUS has been reelected for another 4 years. lets hope Obama and the Republicans can make peace to turn around the US economy. here in Asia, there's not much going on. no scandals, government shakedowns, everything's quiet. too quiet, and I wonder why. the calm before the storm? I sincerely hope not.

as for my family, we're all in good health. my foremost concern is my impatience to my toddler, and I'm really afraid it's gonna scar her psyche :( Lord, grant me the patience to deal with her nicely even when I'm tired or busy with the baby. my other concern is my period. should have gotten it around nov17 so its 4 days late now. am freakin' out!! don't need another baby, not right now or ever. though I strongly suspect hubby still wants a boy. what's a girl going to do??

and speaking of hubby, just got news that his backpay is "redeemable" til april 2013. oy vey! but I'm gonna make my parents get it coz I need to balance our august & september budgets. also, he has been very amorous lately- well, today and yesterday afternoons actually ;-) but as always, the kids always interrupt us (they cry / wake up) when we're near the finish line, LOL! oh well, at least we're still able to do IT at least twice a week. not bad for a couple of 13 years!

as for my online life, I'm still addicted to Google+. there's really a great community of global users there! and I truly love interacting and publishing in the G+ platform :) I also discovered local subscription beauty boxes a few days ago, and I spent P1100 already for BDJBox (got it!) and GlamourBox (hope it will arrive before saturday!) o.O and to think I'm a beauty n00b ~ what will I do with all the beauty products?? no more impulse purchases next time gurl..

last, I'm so enamored with Ingress, an alternate reality game by Google that will help them map our cities accurately (down to the number of steps!). got an activation code already but unfortunately, the game app doesn't work on my generic Android 2.2 tablet :( will have to wait for hubby's Samsung Galaxy S3 so I can play. but wait, I sold the code for $20! LOL! no code, no play. and I already used up the money buying Messy Bessy cleaning products just now. haayyy.. more purchases! gotta stop buying online! already have 2 coupons for eating out (Casa Armas and Shi Lin) and a coupon for 7pc-cupcake maker (to be delivered). don't want to spend anymore!! T__T

and so here ends my first entry to earth's last 30 days. as you can see, my online life is the most exciting part. sometimes I think when they say that "life, as we know know it" will end on dec21, they meant the end of our "analog" life and that by dec21, we'll all be switching to a digital life. if that's the case, I'm terribly excited for dec21 already! however I suspect that the Mayans just run out of space to write the dates after dec21, and there's no end of the world- at least not this year.


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