End of the World

Do you believe the Mayans' calendar that the world "as we know it" will end on December 21, 2012? Have you lived your life differently based on your Mayan belief (or non-belief)? Discuss.

Monday, November 26, 2012

11/26/2012 :: day 6

Posted by Ortigas Mommy at 10:50 PM
monday is hell day for most people in the city. its time to go back to the grind and wake up early to avoid traffic in going to school and to work. thankfully, here in our household, monday is like sunday. everything is in slow motion, and there's that dreamy haze while hubby and I tend to our rambunctious kids. no hurrying to work at all, at least until the early evening that is :) highlight of the day: watching Four Assassins with hubby. really great movie: lots of action, drama and serious dialogue! who would have thought that having four killers in a room eating dinner together is fun to watch? best part, the kids were asleep so we were able to watch the movie 100%. if you're a parent, you'd know how great this feels, haha!

after hubby woke up from his afternoon nap, we went to the mall and let our toddler play with Lego pieces in one of the toy stores. she seriously loves Legos even at 2years old! she repeatedly said (after playing), "I'm happy Mommy!" aawww, my heart melted.. if only we could afford to buy Lego sets! maybe I'll raid my brothers' cabinets back at home, hopefully there's still some pieces stashed from our grade school years. after Lego time, we had a very early dinner in Max's Fried Chicken. we had the merienda special (your choice of bread (cheese roll) / noodles (pancit canton) / drink (sago at gulaman) ) for only $2 and chicken dinner (half chicken, rice, soup and drink) for around $7. took home 2/3 of the chicken and ate dinner again with the kids at 8pm :p

oh, btw, if #ZorenCarminaWedding was the trending celebrity hashtag this weekend, today it was #Liz&Dick ~ Lifetime finally showed Lindsay Lohan's latest project on TV and lots of people were suckered into watching it. as you can guess, they weren't too happy with LiLo's potrayal of Elizabeth Taylor. lots of snarky comments on Twitter but what did they expect? an Academy Award performance from LiLo?? the people these days! anyway.. on serious stuff, I totally love this article on The Atlantic on how the nerds on Barack Obama's team helped clinch his reelection. technology is truly a helpful tool in everything and I wish more organizations could see that. TECH TRANSFORMS LIVES. that's my mantra then, that's my mantra now. tech may not solve all the world's problems but it will help us build a better world.


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