End of the World

Do you believe the Mayans' calendar that the world "as we know it" will end on December 21, 2012? Have you lived your life differently based on your Mayan belief (or non-belief)? Discuss.

Friday, November 23, 2012

11/23/2012 :: day 3

Posted by Ortigas Mommy at 11:07 PM
cooking day for me, and Black Friday for the rest of the world! yep, Black Friday is not just for USA's brick and mortar stores anymore ~ the big sales are also happening online (worldwide!) which makes Cyber Monday redundant o.O good for consumers though, as that means 2 to 4 days (other retailers include saturday and sunday) of sales! so pig out on food on thursday, pig out on material stuff on friday. november is a good month for gluttons! ;-) worthy to note: customers in Walmart had a field day fighting for smartphones. go to Youtube and find that annoying / laughable video!

anyway. only had 2 hours of sleep "last night", I slept at 5am after putting on rice to cook in the rice cooker. hubby arrived to the smell of hot rice and leftover Wagyu burger patty (still good!). at lunch, I cooked miki noodles with shredded beef. super yum! even the toddler was begging to be fed, haha! :) come night time, I fried mozzarella sticks, pork belly, and a slice of fish in Wagyu fat (instead of healthy olive oil). the smell and taste of it was heaven!! drooling right now thinking about it! <smh>

so that's my day. here's the report on some of earth's famous places: in the Middle East, there's some good news to be had. apparently Israel and Gaza has agreed to a ceasefire, but reports on the ground say the fighting still continue :( in the EU, after just a few hours of meeting, bureaucrats are not keen on a trillion bailout of their economy (or something like that). and China? well, they just insulted the Philippines, Vietnam and India by putting maps on Chinese visas, putting disputed areas as theirs / part of the map. Oh China..

wait, before I forget! our baby just started on 2 naps a day today! she usually has a morning nap around 10am, but today she had it at 12nn! the next nap she had was in the afternoon (usual time at 4-5pm) and that was it! no more before/after dinner nap (the one before night sleep). as for my toddler, she woke up around 1am, cried a lot (with some hysterics) but refused to tell me what's wrong so I can calm her as per our usual. she took a long time to sleep again so she was late waking up this morning ~ which was good coz hubby and I had a quiet breakfast for a change ^__^ don't know what came over my kids. I just hope they're alright and this is just part of their development.

and one last thing: I got my GlamourBox and Messy Bessy stuff today!! felt like a really weird Christmas on receiving the beauty products and cleaning stuff at the same time, haha :p I super love MB's Grapefruit room and linen spray scent! reminds me of something really nice from my childhood that I can't quite remember what yet. it put a smile on my face when I first smelled it so it's safe to say whatever memory attached to that smell, it sure has be to good! awesome even :)


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