End of the World

Do you believe the Mayans' calendar that the world "as we know it" will end on December 21, 2012? Have you lived your life differently based on your Mayan belief (or non-belief)? Discuss.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

11/22/2012 :: day 2

Posted by Ortigas Mommy at 10:01 PM
4 hours of sleep, that's all I had. and yes, the Internet has something to do with it (and making our laundry list). gaahh! one online mommy even told me (at 230am) that moms today have "zombie mode" ~ able to go on the wee hours of the morning in the world wide web coz that's the only time we're undisturbed by our needy kids and household chores. and despite our deficient sleep, we are able to function normally by 7am and go about taking care of the kiddos for the whole day. and the cycle repeats again until I'm no longer able to wake up at 7am or when the kids are awake.

that day was today. I was still groggy when hubby came home from work. there was no breakfast, and the baby was crawling on the floor. thankfully, the toddler was still asleep. and I slept with her, hah! hubby made breakfast, 3 packs of instant noodles with mackerel. we all smelled fishy so early in the morning o.O can't complain though, after all it was my duty to cook and I didn't. anyway, we had a typical morning: hubby slept while I minded the kids. also, I finally showed our toddler the Disney version of Alladin coz she loves the "A Whole New World" song (the movie theme) that I use as her nighttime lullaby. the Genie didn't make an impression on her, only Jafar. kids!

in the afternoon, I tried to nap with the wee ones. but the call of the interwebz was too strong and I said goodbye to naptime. waited for the kids and hubby to wake up so we can have our weekly dinner in a food market. by 6pm we were out of the door and went our merry way, the toddler running across the grass park with glee :) in the food market, we tried to buy Macheesmo's cheese-stuffed beef patty burger but their grilling station was acting up! so sad.. was longing to taste their burger for the longest time now :( anyway, we just bought (all for takehome) Angus beef skewer with pilaf, takoyaki (NOT authentic, ggrrr), roastbeef with pasta, and a Christmas cupcake per request of the toddler :)

upon arriving home, I prepared the table and I was shocked to learn that the Angus beef skewer fell out of its container! hubby went back to retrace our steps in the hopes he'll see it, but it wasn't to be <sigh> so I cooked our Wagyu beef patty for additional dinner viand. it was glorious!! it smelled oh-so good and tasted oh-so rich! big thanks to my mom who bought this when it went on sale (buy1 take1) at our local supermarket :) right now the kids are rolling in the bed, waiting for sleep to come take them. me? I'll probably stay up late again, as long as the Internet connection stays good. yowza!

and oh, Happy Thanksgiving America! let's all eat and be merry! ^__^


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