End of the World

Do you believe the Mayans' calendar that the world "as we know it" will end on December 21, 2012? Have you lived your life differently based on your Mayan belief (or non-belief)? Discuss.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

11/24/2012 :: day 4

Posted by Ortigas Mommy at 11:39 PM
the world ended in Pakistan today, their online world that is. there was some problem with the company that handles the .pk domains and several hackers exploited it. all websites with .pk went down, some smeared with graffiti. offline websites included apple.pk, google.pk, google.com.pk and many other prominent sites. the worst thing was that normal service didn't return even after 4 hours~ that's like a lifetime for people who live on the internet! o.O

since today is saturday, hubby is off from work and that means our girls can go out and play :) okay, that actually means mommy can go malling, hehe! we were supposed to go to a mommy bazaar with my BFF in the morning but hubby woke up past lunch. but all the better I guess, otherwise I'll spend a fortune in the bazaar buying kids' (useless) stuff. I should seriously save money for my kids' education (though in the back of my mind, I always think of home schooling them) instead of spending on material things. and speaking of kids, we won't be having a new one! phew! bought the cheapest pregnancy test kit in Watsons and it came back negative. that was a close call I tell you! still haven't got my monthly visitor though (1 week late) so I'm not sure what's up with my body.

highlight of our day: CAJUN cuisine!! we finally ate in a restaurant that serves Cajun food (I tasted bourbon in one sauce, so bitter!). we had the Bestsellers Platter and boy, it was very flavorful! the serving was so huge (3 slabs of pork!) that we ended up with lots of leftovers for home. and yeah, that's what we had for dinner so no additional expense for us at dinner :) anyway, after lunch, hubby and our daughters posed for photos in Disneyland set pieces around the mall. there was a gigantic Christmas tree (nearly 4-stories high!) full of Mickey and Minnie plushies, Daisy and Donald in holiday costumes, and a princess castle with lighted Disney characters. it was hubby's turn to pose with them as I posed with the toddler last week, and I plan to pose with our baby next week (she's always in a baby carrier with hubby).

after the picture-taking, we went to the mall's flagship toy store where the toddler played in a free playroom, and also among the toy displays. beats going to a pay-per-hour kiddie playroom where the rates are exorbitant! or maybe I'm just a cheapskate :p after the playing and a bit of toy window-shopping, we were ready to go home. and then the toddler spied a Zhu Zhu Pets moving display and was transfixed. this brand was the rage 2-3 years ago and now, all its items are more than 50% off. needless to say, we went home with 1 pet, a gray hamster named Num Nums. the baby loved it too coz it makes lots of sounds and it's really smart when it moves around :) hubby was also enamored and plans to buy accessories for it (tunnels, carriages, etc). at least Zhu stuff are now cheap! and oh, I was also finally able to buy new hair scrunchies. eight pieces for $1! good quality too! <3

by the end of the day, our family of four were tired. we hurriedly ate dinner, put kids to bed and to relax, hubby and I watched Looper. super great movie! my only complaint? we haven't finished watching it coz hubby fell asleep just now! and that's why I'm blogging at this ungodly hour (nearly midnight!). trust hubby to fall asleep when the ending is just 15 minutes away! o.O oh, I have another complaint: the movie's story is all about love. yet again. I really have to see a movie that has no love angle that drives the plot. really. here in Looper, we see a husband's love for his wife that drove him to kill an innocent child, a mom's love for her kid, and a kid's love for his mother even though she abandoned him for the first 2 years of his life. love, love, love.. truly makes the world go round I guess. especially in Hollywood's fake world.


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